Another little neet MST3K thingy of mine. This time it's a curser that will be a replacement for the watch. To install this just use ResEdit and open the "MST3K Curser" and then open the Finder. Put all the crusers from the CURS Resource, except for the curser that has the ID of "4", and then copy them into the CURS Resource of the Finder, then in it iwll ask you if you want to replace the CURS's with the same ID, click on "YES". Close and save the Finder. Then open up the system and copy the curser that has the ID of "4". Copy it into the CURS resource and click "YES" to replace the watch icon.
For all you system 6 users there is a MST3K Curser-SYSTEM 6 ResEdit file that you can use to change the curser. Just do the same as above.
Scott A. Bowling
TSrvo (AOL)
Mail: Scott Bowling
4910 W. Gale Rd.
Smithville, MO 64089
About Me
I'm one of the greatest Misty fans, tho, I've only been a fan of MST3K since the 1991 Turky Day Marathon. (First show was "The Amazing Collosal Man") I'm 15 years old and I'm a student at Smithville High School, North of Kansas City.
I would like to get a Mystery Science Theater 3000 BBS started but don't quite have the money yet. Maybe if you like the Curser enough to give a little something it might help out.
I have around twelve tapes jammed pack full with MST 3K shows. If anyone else out there has a huge library of MST tapes E-Mail me. (I like to compare).